Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Welcome me back! :)

It has been quiet some time since I have posted to this here blog. And a lot has happened since then. The first of which is I have had 3 other stories published. All three up on Amazon. Here are the links, just type in my author name, Camille Evans, into the search and you should find them. Also I got married last September to my fiancee of 6 years. We finally decided that we should go for it. It was a small wedding. But pretty much everyone we invited showed up. Which meant we had tons of food. Anyway I'm going to try and keep this updated at least once a week. Thank you to my friend and cyber mom for helping me remember. :) Thanks Anna.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Exciting news!

So yesterday i sent off my story!
I'm so excited!
It took forever for me to get to this point, and I'm hoping for the best.
But i know it will be good. I just know it.
My name on the cover of a book.

XD it's so exciting.
A book written by me for everyone to read.
Wish me luck on my journey.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Okay i just sent a short description of my story to a publisher. I got my stomach all in knots now. I'm excited. and I hope I at least get a reply. even if it's a no. I'm taking steps to being published. And I'm very proud of my self.
I don't care if I'm rich or famous or anything like that. I really just want to see my name on the cover of a book, and to see people picking it up and going: OH! this looks interesting.
It's been my forever dream to be a published writer and I'm sticking to it.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Uncalled for

I don't understand people sometimes. Why do they have to be so mean? It makes not a lick of sense to me.
Like a few days ago when this unnamed person was messing with my cousin. He started to make fun of her being in a wheelchair. And being that she is close family and I love her to death, I wasn't having that crap. Not to mention making fun of things that people can't help is way over the line. It eventually came down to me coming to the conclusion that he wasn't worth my time. I eventually told him that if he didn't leave her alone that he would have more than just me to deal with.
For a few hours after that I was shaking with anger. But after thinking on it a bit I realized that I had made someone happy. My cousin was happy that I would be there for her no matter what the problem was. And that was all that should have mattered.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween

Life really has been good to me so far.
I'm beginning to try my best to do something with my life. I'm trying to get into job corps. And so far I think I'm a go.
But really the hard think right now is keep up a relationship.
Don't get me wrong I love Chris, with my whole heart, with my life even. But some times it's difficult.
Most couples fight right? I mean it's a common thing. But sometimes it seems like we fight over the stupidest things. Things that don't even matter.
And yes we make up and forgive each other. But sometimes it just feels like the fights we have leave an impression. A scar i our relationship. And no matter how you try it just seems like it makes it harder.
But I think that love endures all things. True love anyway. IF your truly love your other half, you can work it out, and forget that those are even there.
Who knows maybe you can learn from it, log it in your memory. Make sure that, that fight never comes up again for any reason. Because you do not want that scar bigger. Because eventually it will turn into more than a scar.
In other words. The same fight about the same thing, leads to stupid decisions and eventually stupid reason break ups. Which are not fun for either side. They leave you vulnerable and sick. And it takes a very long time to recover from such things.
In any case, i guess i got off topic. But all in all it's the truth I tell you.
Keep it in mind, don't make scars, make memories.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


There is nothing really to say. I don't know what to say about it. only that i don't agree with it. Just give all the help i can

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Green Lantern

Green Lantern Reveiw

This movie made me glad that I am a Green Lantern fan. On top of great acting, by Ryan Reynolds (Green Lantern/ Hal Jordan), Mark Strong (Sinestro), and the rest of the cast, the stroy line was kept to the comic book exceptionally well.
In my opinion Ryan Reynolds was the perfect fit for the role of Hal Jordan. On top of being extremely hot, and a great actor. He pulled the Green Lantern Uniform off perfectly. On top of that he doesn’t look all that bad with the extremely light blue eyes either. But seriously, Ryan was the perfect Lantern to the Corps, he took exceptionally well to the super hero type roll. He made it look easy to be a Superhero, almost effortless. And of course in every superhero movie there has to be some epic speech to be given, and Ryan did it perfectly. It was totally worth the money I paid to go see the movie.